X-Evolutionist’s Old Guestbook!



Here’s my new Guestbook:

Click here to leave a comment

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 To my Space 




Filed under Spaces stuff

100 responses to “X-Evolutionist’s Old Guestbook!

  1. Ed

    Hi X, thank you for the nice compliment you left on my guestbook…  and I also hope you and your have a great new year and better than what you have had in the past.  God Bess you always.

  2. Unknown

    here you go

    i here to invited you to my new space ,called birthday space ,would love to have ya
                                             The Dreamer!!

  3. Sheena's

    Hiya X,
    Sorry I Haven\’t been around for a while..(bet U didn\’t notice with the massive amount of comments you get?).. Hope 2007 is a good year for you….Peanut Boy looks a smasher……our cockatiel ,Coco,used to love pasta. any pasta…he\’d land on the table and peck at it, eat some & throw the rest around…It was a case of duck or be plastered….Ahhh, so glad Peanut Boy got the will to live happily by falling for your hubby……….Love to visit yr space…It gives a lift to the spirits….
    take care ….& stay safe…

  4. I

       I am not much of a fan of cartoons but I love Charlie Brown and yes, I especailly love the scene where he asks what Christmas is all about.  I am glad you wrote about it.  Brought a smile to my face.  Love the picture of Peanut Boy too..lol he is adorable!  Happy New Year to you and your Husband!!  God Bless. 

  5. Kaitlin

    Hi you asked me to sign your guestbook so here I am! I also think you did a very nice job on your space. Mine, well mine still needs a lot of work :]] Well Happy New Year 2007 and good luck for a great start this year!

  6. JAM

    thanks for popping in and a happy new year to you too, love your parrots they are so beautiful. Glad you have found faith me i\’m still looking, nice idea the description of you, i can now picture you as i type, stop by anytime will pop back again soon lol JAM

  7. Little Fish Big Pond

    Hi \’X\’,
    The only way I\’ve found to get it to go full width is to have it as a footer. This how ever this does not mean it has to be at the bottom. If you place your custom html module at the top right of your space, and use the wide banner hack, anything you place under that module in the right hand column will be displayed full width.
    my test space
    have fun…!!

  8. Joseph

    Hi X 🙂 Good to hear from you the other day. Sorry it takes me so long to respond, but weekends are usually very busy between my two babies, my wife, my mother-in-law, etc. Ironically, it\’s easier for me to blog at work during the weekdays (during lunch break and occasional down time). And ANOTHER thing we have in common: we have been believers for about the same time! I\’m glad you found my testimony 🙂 Thanks for the suggestion… maybe I will add a link to my testimony closer to the top. It\’s cool that you made x-evolutionist.com! I checked it out briefly the other day, and I will browse around some more when I get a chance. Hey, do you plan on visiting AiG\’s Creation Museum when it opens this year?!

  9. Kimmy

    Awe Peanut Boy is a  beautiful bird! I can see why hubby loves him so much. I prefer the quite pets too! lol

  10. NEWTON

     is that a pic of a tree top chicken heheheehh i understand, marks been workin on some cool stuff have to experiment some more /i do have fish swimming over a picture now check it out
    if it dont fully load just  f-5 and should load all /thanks for everything/later

  11. Sue

    Thanks for your New Year wishes to me.  I wish you a happy, peaceful, healthy and joyful year in 2007 too.  love Sue x

  12. Little Fish Big Pond

    Hi \’X\’,
    Just popped over to see how your doing with your sandbox,
    it\’s looking good, did you find the tutorial easy to follow…??
    I have up dated it to state what buttons you\’ll need to create,
    your feed back would be helpfull.
    have fun…!!

  13. Tom

      Hi X !
     Just out surfing found your space , very nice space to .
     Sorry to hear about the storm, hope it was not to bad .
     Take care and have a safe and great week !

  14. Unknown

    better keep it there i dont want it i know it will be here by the morning

  15. TXBlueBonney

    Hi i\’ve enjoyed your site. I can relate to brushing your dog, i have to do it the same way with mine!!! Well, I will be back to visit again for sure!

  16. Amber


    I have posted an urgent prayer request on my blog.  Please check it out and help to support my mother in prayer!

  17. DJ

    Hey there X.. Nice space, will come back and have a good look round soon..Please come and visit mine some time…. I have only recently started putting it together, so any comments will be greatly appreciated:-) Ps…How do I get a guestbook map onto my space, it\’s so cool..

  18. ferhat

    Merhaba from Turkey.

  19. Magda

    Hello X,
    Im sorry for my late comment with New Year\’s wishes, but Im in the middle of the exams, so I cant quite focus on anything else… Thats why I dont really know if I managed to get back to you to thank you for your wishes. Thats why Id like to make up for it now, huh. 🙂
    I read your blog about being ready for spring…Oh, how I would love spring to be here now! Its so grey everywhere, the weather itself makes people sad and tired! Can you believe I havent seen snow this year so far ?! Thats really weird… and you there had an ice storm!… All those climate changes….
    Kindest regards,

  20. tressie

    Nice space – very beautiful – have you read how Dev/Hack teaches how to make a banner that goes across your whole space?  I saw your question on the Space guys site – I see he\’s a friend on your space, so you might have already – i love YOUR banner though – it\’s nice.  ttfn ~ tressie

  21. Sheena's

    HIya X,
    Just dropping by to see how yr doing….Hope the snow isn\’t bad? We haven\’t had any in England, at least where Im based anyway..Just using yr colour charts…..probably be here for a while…Just ignore me…C U Sheena.

  22. Unknown

    does all seen to be in order still add stuff that iv got buried on my other space ,what do you think of my mouse over buttons ive created them without a web page heheheh im try to find a good color

  23. X-Evolutionist


  24. Tom

      Hello X  !
     It was great to hear from you, thanks for dropping by !
     Nice to know you to, love your space, you rock !!!!
     Have a safe and great week my friend !

  25. Sheena's

    Hiya X.
    Thanks for dropping by, and yr comment. I always chat with Mike about doing blogs and he was giving me his advice saying I didn\’t need to do a blog a day,, but I disagree , I like to do it, so I will….It\’s enjoyable…..Take care…Sheena……

  26. BP

    Wow X,You definitely have a love of movies listed here.  I have seen several of them and agree with you that they are very good.  About a year and a half ago I was getting into Turner classic movies and was able to catch up with many of the classics I had missed over the years.
    I love the picture of the African gray on your website.  My ex-wife\’s family has had an African gray for as long as I can remember.  They are very unique animal and fun to have around.One of these days I can hope to get my site looking as well as yours.Billy

  27. I

         You had some of that ice storm too, huh??  That was not fun.  I am glad its long gone.  That web site you left me is really cool!!  Thanks for telling me about it.  You work at home?  Wow, I wish I could do that.  Love to be at home. Have a good week!  It is nice to see you again. 

  28. Jodi

    Cute photos of Penny and Rufus … how cute that Rufus imitates Penny\’s call now. I bet that has you runinng in all directions. I can just see Rufus cracking up over you. lol. I got your email this morning and just wanted to pop in and say hello and wish you good luck on learning PSP again. I like how you have added buttons here at your site.  🙂

  29. Joseph

    Hi X 🙂 Good to hear from you. Don\’t worry, I don\’t even know what time is anymore. That\’s neat that you\’ve been to the ICR Museum. I\’m sure once the AiG museum opens there will be plenty of negative press coverage, mocking, etc. It will be interesting to see how that all plays out.Your birds are so funny! That is so cute how Rufus imitates Penny! I love the photos of your two feathered dinosaurs 😉 , they are beautiful! Now, it would be real funny if they started imitating you and your husband! Isn\’t it funny that God would create these creatures that can imitate human speech? :-)Blessings!

  30. spencer

    Hi X thank\’s for popping over to my Space. Do you know your banner code can also stretch a Sandbox Gadget full width. ?.  But they are only at the bottom of a space. A good place for some web button\’s LOL. See you soon and thank\’s again, from Spence

  31. Jodi

    Just popping in to say hello again. Hope you\’re not working too hard today. Congrats to Dev (in case he pops in) for being named \’Space of the week\’! Way to go!!  🙂

  32. DJ

    GOD *.*.*.OPENED * …*.*. THE WINDOWS * * .* *.*.*.* OF HEAVEN .*) .*) *.*.*LOOKED AT ME . (.` *.*.*.**.*.*.*AND ASKED, ..*(`.) .*.*.*.*.* **.*. *WHAT IS YOUR * .`.(`.) * . * . * .* *DREAM * .*.. *`..* (`.) * .*FOR .. *..(`.). *`..* .*TODAY? .* … *`.. * *. * . * .**I . * . * . . * . *.*. * . **ANSWERED: __00000___00000 *.*. * .* .*GOD, _0000000_0000000. * . * .*TAKE _0000 OOOO 00000. * . * .*CARE __0000000000000 * . ** .*OF THE ___00000000000 * . *. * . * .*PERSON _____0000000 * . *. * . ** *.*THAT _______000 * . *. * * * .*.*IS ________0* . * .. ** .. * .*.*READING . * .. ** .. * . * . * .* . *.*THIS . * . (.. *** /) * .*.*.*MESSAGE, * . * ( ..(_)/ ) * * .BECAUSE * . * (_ /|.. _) . *.* THIS PERSON IS * . * . /___.. * . .* .*SO . * . * . * . . * *SPECIAL! SEND THIS T0 ALL Y0UR FRIENDS! & BACK TO ME, IF I AM 1. IF Y0U GET 7 BACK…Y0U ARE L0VED! 1-3 = Y0U ARE A BAD FRIEND 4-6 = Y0U ARE A OKAY FRIEND 7-9 = Y0U ARE A G00D friend"

  33. Unknown

    just to let you know embeded code now work in your blog ,they added it as a new feature

  34. Sue

    Thanks for popping by my space and saying hello.  I thought of you as we watched the news last night.  They showed some rare footage of a frill shark which usually lives in the very depths of the pacific ocean.  What a creature! It looked rather prehistoric it has to be said.  Then they mentioned how amazing it was that this creature has remained the same as fossils found of it "80 million years ago" well however old those fossils are I couldn\’t help think it provided astounding evidence that creatures reproduce after their own kind after all!!  No evolution from dolphins to cows etc!!!  Of course no one mentioned that in the report. 
    I love your tales of Rufus, he is amazing isn\’t he?!  Animals are just such a wonderful gift from God, at least that is one thing I have in common with God, animals give me pleasure and He created them for His pleasure! I know how much pleasure they give you too. God Bless You, with love Sue xxx

  35. Psycho

     there wow great site hunni keep up the good work luving it ,, have a great day xxx

  36. X-Evolutionist

    This is a test! I signed up for "Alerts" to find out when comments are added. I want to see if it works.

  37. X-Evolutionist

    This is a test, the sequel.

  38. Little Fish Big Pond

    Hi \’X\’,
    Thanks for the info… I\’ll pop over and see what they\’ve done…
    This might make you giggle…!!
    A man and his wife were having an argument about who should brew the coffee each morning. The wife said, "You should do it, because you get up first, and then we don\’t have to wait as long to get our coffee." The husband said, " You are in charge of cooking around here and you should do it, because that is your job, and I can just wait for my coffee." Wife replies, "No, you should do it, and besides, it is in the Bible that the man should do the coffee." Husband replies, "I can\’t believe that, show me." So she fetched the Bible, and opened the New Testament and showed him at the top of several pages, that it indeed says………."HEBREWS"
    have fun…!!

  39. Unknown

    its any code that has the word embeded mainly uued on web pages
    <DIV align=center><EMBED name=index pluginspage=http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer src=http://www.myspaceprodesigns.com/Belladonna/redrose.swf width=300 height=300 type=application/x-shockwave-flash wmode="transparent" flashvars="playList=http://www.myspaceprodesigns.com/xml/t1K1F12F-F724mm.xml" quality="high" menu="false" allowScriptAccess="never">
    you can now put this in your blog even tho it has EMBED IN IT BEFOR WE COULDNT USE THESE ,THEN THE SANDBOXES CAME AROUND AND NOW where all most like my space/ put it in you blog and check it out have fun/later

  40. spencer

    Hi X, if people with banner\’s change the banner or something. The powertoy sandbox will not generate a banner again I have tried it on a couple of spaces and they do not work now, but the one\’s I left are still there. I dont no if the upgrade\’s to our spaces has anything to do with it or if there is another way now. I have not checked out the update\’s yet. Have a nice day X from Spence. PS. Sorry X I killed my space in the end LOL. Back to the begining yet again.

  41. Tom

      Hello X !
                         / . – .       \’ – . )                               ( . – \’ –  .   . – . \\                     \\ \’ ,              \\                                  /                , \’ /                         l               o \’ – – D                  c – – \’ a                  l                           \\             /         l                    l         \\              /                          ; . _     _ \\   \’ – /                       \\ – \’   / _     _ . ;                       . \’         _ _   ` \\ `      HAVE           ` / `       _     \’ .                      . \’         . \’     \’ . l \’            A             . \’          \’ .         \’ .                 /             \\           \’ . _ ,                , _ . \’           /               \\               ;                 \’ – . _           \\             /           _ . – \’                  ;              ( l                       / \’ – . _  /            \\ _ _ . – \’ \\                     l )               \\     _ _           , \’                                        \’ ,           _       /                 ` /     ` \\ . – \’ l              Lovely                  l \’ – . /        \\ `                   l         l     \’ – .                                      . – \’       l           l                   l         \’  – .       )       WEEKEND            (       . – \’           l                    \\               ) – \’                                      \’ – (              /                     \’ – – – – – \’                                                   \’ – – – – – \’

  42. WinnY

    Hi …… X
    I am new
    visit my

  43. Unknown

    cool i made some new buttons and learned web paging in two days i\’ll have to do a 101 on it

  44. Kimmy

    Hey X! Man I can\’t believe you guys are getting more snow! I\’m still waiting on the first flake to fall here! lol I loved seeing the Spring/Snow photo! What a difference the seasons make huh? I can\’t wait to see my fish again. I really miss them! I hope at least one of the fry make it through the winter. Post more snow photos when ya can girl!(((hugs))

  45. Dev

    sign up for alerts n choose to recive on ur msn messenger it self.. its much convinient.. n stops the no. of email flooding into ur ac

  46. BP

    When I see entries like yours, about the snow, I feel guilty complaining when the temperature only it\’s up to 53.
    One of these days I need to pick your mind and see if I can make my blog look a little better.  I have tried several things I have seen on Tweak\’s, Mark\’s, and Spencer\’s site, but I can\’t seem to make mine look that well.  It\’s probably because I don\’t know much of anything about the computer.  I even managed to lose my banner that I had on the top.  It wasn\’t that special anyway, it wouldn\’t glow like it was supposed to.  Oh well.  There is more to life.
    Here\’s my hoping that spring arrives soon for you and me.Billy

  47. Jodi

    Just dropping in to say hello. I loved your photos of your pond last spring and then showing it again with the all the ice and snow you are getting now. I can somewhat relate to what you are feeling but not totally. We have gotten two days of really good snow but not enough to satisfy me. I have to wonder if any of us are really 100 percent happy with the weather conditions. Some get too much snow and rain and others get so little of it. It\’s too bad we can\’t swap and trade across the board. lol 

  48. Little Fish Big Pond

    Hi \’X\’,
    If you want to know how to add speech to your space drop me a line…
    hope your all well

  49. Amber

    Just wanted to say "Hi!"
    I\’m right there with you in wishing for spring.  How do your fish survive with the pond frozen over like that?
    Stay warm & take care,

  50. Southern__Chemical

    Your intentions and emotions are very correct, and you are right about God, but wrong about Religion.
    The “standard” Monotheistic concept of God is that IT is Universal, Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Eternal. 
    Those attributes of God seem to have remain unchanged for the 14 BILLION years that scientist have been able to reproducibly measure in what are sometimes know as the Laws of Physics.  What HAS changed over the last five thousand years of recorded (human) history is our perceptions and understanding of those Laws. 
    If you drop a pen from a height one foot above the surface of your desk, there is a “very high probability” that the pen will fall to the surface of your desk.  The probability of that pen dropping to the desk approaches an absolute 100%.  It is not magic, nor a miracle, but will happen virtually every time no matter many billions of trials you do it.  Because of the consistency and constant nature of the Laws of Physics, we also assume that the motion of the pen falling that one foot distance is the same whether that distance is one foot above your desk or one foot above a similar surface twenty billion light years away, allowing for differences associated with the Gravitational Constant. 
    That assumption is called Faith.  If we understand that nature of Faith, then you also can believe that the universal nature of the Laws of Physical PROVES that God exists.  Observations that seem to violate those Physical Laws are likely a result of our being Misinformed (our information was incorrect or we measured wrong), Misunderstood (our information was misinterpreted), or Misrepresented (somebody lied).  The Proof of God is NOT in deviations or aberrations of the Laws of Physics, but in the Universality and Consistency of those Laws.  The Proof of God is in the Absence of Miracles.
    Both Science and Religion try to understand the world around us.  Only recently have we come to understand that what makes the Laws of Physics work is the statistical and relational nature of particles and energy – quantum particle “singularities” exist ONLY in their statistical relationship to other particles.  (Not only does the “tree that falls in the forest” not make a sound, but if no one hears it, the tree likely doesn’t exist.) 
    A person’s feeling about the importance of Relationships is usually the biggest factor in how they view God and Religion and Science.  A person with an anti-Religion fervor likely has feelings of resentment of being lied to in childhood, even more than wanting to be logical or “Scientific” in their analysis of Faith and Religion.  A person with strong Religious affiliations likely has feelings that their identity is dependent upon their relationships with others and the bonds of “belonging.”
    Science tries is to understand the world by studying minutia as objectively and reproducibly as possible, and thru Quantum Mechanics has come to understand the statistical nature of particles and the need for relationships in determining their identity.  The only assurances and comfort that Science provides is that its concepts are derived from constant refinement of the world as it is, rather than as mankind wants or assumes it to be. 
    Religion tries to understand the world to provide a structure with assurances and comfort that will enable people to benefit from their skills and relationships.  Religion, however, uses its need for structure to usually create a vision fossilized by the technical understanding that existed when that vision was created.
    Science tries to determine the nature of God, while Religion tends to tell God what IT should be.  It was Religion that built the Tower of Babel, not Science.  It is not Science that is anti-God, but Religion. 


  51. Edmund

    Wow! Your Space really cool!! How did you add those Custom boxes!? I\’ve been trying to figure out how to add some custom boxes, but I find difficulties to learn how to do that!? Really no clue at all!!!!

  52. tressie

    your pond looks wonderful – what a great place to sit and read a book and enjoy the morning.  ttfn ! tressie

  53. Tom

       Hello X !!!
                        ,-=;?uc;`????=n,                   ;cr=?{?{?{?c;3b;;"c                 .} b$$$b4-\’;;L3e;?;?r               4"u $$$$$$$u^/;uh`$u);lr                :c 3c=$$P""$e.x.;?cu;;.     ,nMMMMMMMP=      "e.           h ,$$.,,3$$b u4;/    xMMTTCMMM=-       d `\\.        $$???$$$$$$$->" . .nx4MMETMMMM=      J     ".       ?,  d$$P" ,c$$$$$c. 4MMCCCMnn,     x"       `\\.     `"??",d$$$$$$$$$$$$ MMTTC3M"`    4F           J,     ,$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.""""??     $       _,-\’ .c$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$u     `R$._,-\’ .,$$$$$$$$$$$$$$PF ,ze,<$$$$$$      _-\’z$$$$$$$$$$$$$PF\’ c$$d d$$$$$$$$$$$ __,-\’  \’?$$$$F      t     4$;\’d$$$$$$$$$$$$$;z4         ,u        `.    `\’\’d$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$h            $         (      c$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$b.             "n,_     `.    <$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$c                `"?c,_ t     $"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.                     ""q     $$$$$$$$$$$$$"?$$$$$$$$$$.                        ^     ?$$$$$$$P",c$$$$$$$$$$$$                               ?$$$$F c$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$                             u$$c.`" $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$"                            $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$F                           $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$P"                          $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$P"                         d$$$$$$$b $$$$$$$$$$$$c                         J$$$$$$$$c ?$$$$$$$$$$$$u$$c                         $$$$$$???"   =c$$$$$$$$P$$$P                         $$$$$$$$F          "  z$$$$                        <$$$$$$$c             c$$$$$                         $$$$$$$%              "  "                         `$$$$$"                    _,ue$$$$$$c                   ^`????" `"??"
             HAPPY VALENTINES DAY !!!!

  54. tressie

         __    ,.,-,(c \’;\’)_))\’//(__=3((—|> \’    L L   ))
    Here\’s a little cupid sending you Valentine\’s  Wishes.
           ♥ ➳ ♥  Happy Valentine\’s Day!!  ♥ ➳ ♥ 
                     ❤  ttfn ~ tressie k  ❤

  55. Kimmy

    Hey x! Just stopping in to see how things are going in Oklahoma. I hope the weather has warmed up some for ya. I know you\’re as anxious as me to see Spring get here and get that fish pond going again. Stay warm!!~Kimmy~

  56. Jodi

    Just thought I\’d buzz by and see what\’s up. Hope all is ok and that you\’re keeping warm.  🙂 I think it\’s fair to say that most of us are looking forward to Spring now.  🙂

  57. Joseph

    Hi X… stopped in to see what\’s new and say hi… hope you are having a good break from the internet.

  58. Sarah

    I love your space and I hope to come back and read more soon. Thanks for the inspiration I got from your pages, although I havent had the chance to read it all. Blessings.

  59. Sarah

    I love your space and I hope to come back and read more soon. Thanks for the inspiration I got from your pages, although I havent had the chance to read it all. Blessings.

  60. Kimmy

    Hey girl..hope you\’re enjoying your break. I understand how that is needed sometimes. Hope to see you back on soon. 🙂

  61. Magda

    hello X, just dropping by with the wishes of a nice weekend!
    how are you? i hope all\’s okay with you and your family AND your animals. 🙂
    I unite with you wishing for the spring to come as soon as possible!

  62. Greg

    Enjoy your little break and the arrival of spring, Greg

  63. bleeding mascara

    whats up . i\’m commenting all over the myspace realm. i noticed that you would go to my myspace and that would cool. i\’m trying to make some friends on the computer cause i got nothing to do . i have no life whatsoever . i\’m 18 years old and stuck with my mom no offense to her my life has been on a downhill slope. so if you would like to go on my myspace i\’d like that. that would be cool. peace.

  64. PJ

    Hello X,  just wanted you to know I was here and how much I enjoyed your space.  I am really new at this by just a few weeks and have never taken even a \’puter class of any sort.  So there is much for me to learn but I am enjoying it.  Spaces like yours give me a lot of motivation.  Keep up the good work.

  65. Snowy

    Hello X, you have a beautiful space.
    Kind Regards, Snowy.

  66. Snowy

    Hello X, you have a beautiful space.
    Kind Regards, Snowy.

  67. Snowy

    Hello X, you have a beautiful space.
    Kind Regards, Snowy.

  68. Snowy

    Hello X, you have a beautiful space.
    Kind Regards, Snowy.

  69. Amber

    Just stoppin\’ by to say "HI!"

  70. Russell

    hey really kool site,
    its got a solid flow.I am new to spaces and the whole html scene.
    I woul LOVE it if you swung by my space and added some comments on how i could improve the flow.cheers,

  71. Francine

    Hi X,
    I\’m a little ashamed, I found your site 6 months ago. I thought it was great. On your site I learned cool stuff. That led to the discovery of Mark and Dev. So you 3 people tought me alot. I discovered a new passion. Coding!!! Thanx a million.
    Your blog is one of the prettiest I found. I love your pond and birds…Keep up the good work.

  72. 偷你梁

    just stepped in and say "hi"
    …its a cool space

  73. ~ Flenley ~

    Hi \’X\’,
    Great space, i love it. Will be back to take a better look around when im more awake.

  74. betty

    I just love your space you are so creative & sweet. I just started my space page. Drop by and say "Howdy" some time. You are very inspireing. So glad to meet you.

  75. Sha

    hey x,
    your space is so nice i like it ^^

  76. betty

    I thought you might enjoy this space I love his seminars that are for download on his site. I really learned alot from him.
    Hope you like it.
    Creation Science Evangelism was started in 1989 by Dr. Kent Hovind. Kent Hovind is one of the most requested speakers on the Creation and Evolution topic in churches and Universities all over the world. Dr. Hovind served as an educator for many years teaching Biology, Anatomy, Physical Science, Mathematics, Earth Science, and many other sciences. Dr. Hovind has debated the Creation and Evolution controversy over 100 times all over the world, in many large Universities, and on thousands of radio talk shows.

  77. Sasiworasa

    _____♥█████████████♥___♥███████████♥___♥█████████████████♥████♥______♥████♥__♥████████████████████████♥___miss___♥███♥_♥███████████████████████████♥__you____♥███♥♥███████████████████████████████♥_____♥███♥♥███████ei ei  ….█████████████████████♥___♥███♥♥██████████████████████████████████♥_♥███♥_♥██████████████████████████████████████♥__♥████████████████████████████████████♥____♥████████████████████████████████♥______♥████████████████████████████♥_________♥███████████████████████♥____________♥██████████████████♥______________♥█████████████♥_________________♥████████♥___________________♥███Take care na ka

  78. Brett

    Just saying hi 🙂

  79. Dev

    Thanks X..
    hope the forums are going good 🙂
    Let me know if you need help in anything or any additional support for the forums.
    Does it need any additoinal updates? Or is everything fine?
    I also got the storage spaces upgraded to 30 mb 🙂

  80. Kimmy

    Missing you X! I hope you\’re back in the blog world soon. 🙂

  81. michael

    have you changed your guestbook as I thought I had sighed it already but never mind what a great space you have it\’s improved a lot since I was here last .very clean and inviting good setup .and hey your space loads fast .

  82. Sue

    I haven\’t been blogging or reading blogs so much lately either but have just dropped by yours to see that you are busy with other things right now.  Thinking of you and hoping all is well in your world despite not being able to blog and that you are indeed enjoying some spring sunshine that you were so longing for.  We have been blessed with many lovely sunny warm days with love Sue xx

  83. GERI

    Hi there..:)
    Just to let you know that Greg from GREG\’S BLOG QUEST has been nominated for SPACE OF THE YEAR at SHOF (Spaces Hall of Fame)  Honoring the best MSN Spaces.
    Voting starts Wednesday, April 11th.  Please feel free to link this graphic to SHOF from your Space.

    Have a great day!!
     P.S. Sorry, I couldn\’t seem to post any where else so I did it here.

  84. J

    hii X ,
    take care…love traceyxox

  85. Jodi

    Hey there X,What\’s been keeping you so busy? Would love to hear from you again. Hope all is ok on your end.  :)Jodi

  86. Glenda

    Really nice space !! keep up the good work.

  87. Kimmy

    OMG X that is TOO FUNNY!!! That poor sweet bird. lol What happens when the jelly bean never hatches? Will you eventually take it away and her will to lay eggs stop?

  88. Sheena's

    Hiya \’X\’.,
    Guess who?……it\’s been simply ages since I\’ve been around to your site …..apologies….Life happens and I\’m now catching up with things……….
    I\’ve just read about the \’jelly bean\’ incident……What a fantastic idea….and no stress on both sides…..Hope you and yours are fine …………….Take care……..Sheena………..xx…

  89. SurfsUp

    Hey Woman !!!  Hope all is well with you !  Coming in to tell ya to come back & leave a flic of yourself.. Well, gotta like get back to class…. teach em how to surf… stay safe.. take care…  sincerely, Lynn

  90. Daniel

    Hey X,
    Just happened to stumble into your space. I\’m a creation scientist myself and I have to say that you\’ve got a very good space and website set up!! Keep up the good work!!
    God bless,

  91. Arthur

    Hello X!  I\’m Little Shepherd and I feel that God is leading me to creation science.  (Answers In Genesis is my favorite site for info.)  I really like your page and I\’ going to send you a friend request.   I haven\’t gotten any blogs up here, but they are coming soon.  Well, take care!
    In Christ,  Arthur

  92. -Sunflower-

    Hello X, great space you have. Awww, that\’s a cute jellybean story! Have a great weekend. -Sunflower-

  93. Keisha

    Hello X,
    Just passing through…beautiful site you have here…. Stay true to you. Best wishes sweetie!

  94. Kimmy

    Oh my goodness 3 jellybeans!!!?? You need to take a picture of this X!

  95. Space Keeper

    hi X changed up a few things since your last visit,ill have to go check out the m&m page, fixin to go fishing for a week takin the yougest boy ramsie we were going to texoma like we have the last few years but now my fishing partner wants to try the river down at cleburn/got to run and sart getting ready/later

  96. Kimmy

    haha too cute! I made one too..really resembles me I think ;)Kimmy

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