Tag Archives: Evolution

Christians: Jesus was a Creationist

Page Contents:

Jesus Taught a Recent Creation

Jesus believed that that Genesis was literal history. If a Christian has accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior, the Lord’s beliefs should be important to them. Jesus believed in a literal Adam and Eve, not only that, but the Bible says he is descended from Adam and Eve.

Jesus believed that the flood of Noah was an actual historic event that destroyed all life on earth except Noah and his family. Jesus believed the flood of Noah happened when it rained for 40 days and 40 nights and the fountains of the deep burst open.

If there was an actual worldwide flood that covered the entire surface of the earth for over a year, then the plant and animal life that became fossilized because of the flood is not a record of millions of years of evolution.

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My Christian Testimony

Page Contents:

Hi there! My screen name is “X-Evolutionist”, but please call me “X” for short. I’m a Christian married lady in my fifties. I’ve only believed in God for a very short time considering my age. This site is about the things I learned that got me to believe.

I Was Raised Without a Belief in God

I was taught that life on earth came about by a process of time and chance from as far back as I can remember. It was all I had ever known. There was no need for God in my philosophy as the world made sense this way. Even though my world made sense without God, I was still curious if he existed. I know now that we were designed by God to have a desire to know him.

Over the years, I would often come across Christians and I would ask them why they believed in God. I always got the same two answers: either “I’ve always believed in God” or “The Bible tells me so”. Neither of these explanations were compelling arguments for the existence of God as far as I was concerned.

However, my world was about to turn upside down…

I Met Some Friends Who Were Creationists

When I was over forty, I met some people who were Christians, and like always, I asked them why they believed that God existed. Surprisingly, they had something totally different to say. They said that they knew God existed because, according to them, the scientific evidence points to creation, and not evolution, and thus to a creator. Of course, I knew that they were ignorant, and I told them so.

But, they were very confident in what they believed. They basically dared me to read a book to see if they were right. I fought it for months, but, I ended up deciding that it wouldn’t hurt to read a book.

They Dared Me to Read A Book about Fossils

They loaned me a book about fossils. The book didn’t really have anything different than I had always been taught over the years in science classes, natural history museums and television nature shows, but it used some logical arguments that I had never heard before.

Fossils: Key to the Present
Fossils: Key to the Present
Duane Gish and Richard B. Bliss

It showed that the fossil record consists of separate and distinct types of animals with no blending in between as we are led to expect from the theory of evolution. The conclusion was that the basic types of animals were created by God and then genetic variation took off from there and developed the different types of animals within each group. For example, Collies, German Shepherds and St. Bernards are just different types of dogs, as are wolves and coyotes. Please see my page: Using the Dog-Kind of Animal to Disprove Evolution

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I Read a Book about the Origin of Life – Life Required a Creator

They loaned me another book about the origin of life, how complicated life is, and how difficult it would be for life to be a product of time and chance. The book concludes that life had to be created by God.

Origin of LifeOrigin of Life
Richard B. Bliss

We in the United States are taught in public school that life was formed over time by chance. But, I have learned that this is not supported by scientific evidence.

I Read a Book about How the Scientific Evidence Matches What Is In the Bible

I read yet another book. This book, like the others, concentrated on the scientific evidence against evolution and for creation. By the time I started reading this book I had an insatiable curiosity to read more and more books.

Many Infallible ProofsMany Infallible Proofs
Henry M. Morris

This book explained that events in the first eleven chapters of the book of Genesis in the Bible fit in with the scientific evidence of the world. For instance, this book shows that the fossil record was actually caused by a world wide flood.

I Was Surprised To Find That So Many Scientists Did Not Believe In Evolution

Most of the books I read were by scientists. This really surprised me because all my life I’d been told that evolution was “scientific” and creation was “religious”. Now, I was reading books by scientists who believed that “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” as it says in the first verse of the Bible.

I was particularly interested in the scientific information because I had always been interested in science. But, as the authors were Christians, they always wove the reasons they believed the Bible through the books.

As I was learning about the fossil evidence and geology, etc, I was also learning how these things fit with what the Bible said about creation, the flood and the Tower of Babel, among other things. I learned that the Old Testament was compatible with physical and biological evidence.

Meanwhile, I Started Going to Church – And Still Read More Books by Scientists

My insatiable reading continued and I read many books. During this time, I also began dating and then fell in love with one of my friends who initially told me why he believed in God. I started going to church with him. Before church he would rehearse with the other musicians that did the music for church and I would read my books.

At Some Point, I No Longer Believed In Evolution, but I Did Not Believe In God, Either

At some point into my reading I stopped believing that evolution was supported by the scientific evidence. But, on the other hand, I still did not believe in God or creation, either. This was a very confusing period of time for me. I also was reading the Bible by this time even though I did not believe in God. During church I would listen to the music and the sermon politely, I but never believed any of it – until one morning about nine months after I started reading that first book about fossils.

Suddenly, I Was Filled With the Holy Spirit

One Sunday morning during rehearsal I was reading one of my books and I suddenly started to cry. I didn’t know why. But I kept reading. I started to shake and continued to cry, but I kept reading. All of a sudden, I felt something that I can only describe as being filled by God. I suddenly believed everything. I believed in God, I believed that “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” and I believed that Jesus is the name of God.

My boyfriend was still rehearsing, but he could see that something was happening to me. When rehearsal was over he came to sit by me and we both cried during church. After church, the pastor’s wife came running over to me. It was obvious what was happening to me.

I Accepted Jesus as My Lord and Savior

At this point I couldn’t talk because I was crying and shaking so much, but she led me through a prayer and I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior and became born again as a Christian.

This all happened during nine months during the year 1996. Since then, I have kept reading more books. Each book gives me more and more confirmation of what I now know to be true.

Now I Want To Tell You Why I Believe In God

Now, I want to share the things I’ve learned with others. I want others to know that there is scientific proof that God exists.

I feel that God has a plan for me. I believe that He had me wait until now to believe in God so I would be passionate about telling others why I believe.

By the way, a short time after I became a Christian my boyfriend proposed marriage and we are now very happily married.

Thank you for reading this far down!



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A List of Christian and Creation Resources

Here is a list of some of my favorite Christian and Creation/Evolution Websites:

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Frequently Asked Questions About Creation and Evolution

The Answers Book by Ken Ham

I would like to recommend The Answers Book by Ken Ham. (Read “The Answers Book” online)

It is a great book that shows that creationists are not just blindly believing the Bible, but that they have scientific evidence for their beliefs.

This book answers all of the most frequently asked questions about Creation and Evolution and how they relate to the Bible.

(Read “The Answers Book” online)

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Everybody is endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights

Today is the Fourth of July, Independence Day in the United States of America.

Here is a portion of the Declaration of Independence:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

The signers of this document state that rights come from the Creator. It is no longer fashionable, and sometimes not even permissible, for somebody in government to claim that there is a Creator, much less speak about a Creator in public documents.

In my humble opinion, it is more difficult to believe that there is no creator than it is to believe in a creator.

If one believes that there is no creator, one must believe that all life, including human life, came about by a process of time and chance.

Bill Gates once said:

Human DNA is like a computer program but far, far more advanced than any software ever created. (Gates, The Road Ahead, Penguin: London, Revised, 1996 p. 228)

Human DNA is more complex than computer software. Think about it – Would anybody believe that computer programs come about be a process of time and chance? No, of course not. Computer programs need a programmer — and DNA needed a Creator.

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1:1


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